It’s THAT time once again.


The time we turn our attention to the new fiscal year (starts October 1st).  October sounds like a long way off, but the Leadership Team has to start now in order to make sure we are ready.  So here’s how it works:

We need you to start praying.  Pray about whom to nominate for the Leadership Team.  Pray for the current LT, to formulate a realistic budget for next year.  Pray thanks to God for all He has done this year and pray asking for guidance for what He wants us to accomplish this next year.

Nominate a member of the church as a prospective LT Member.  According to our By Laws, any member of the church can nominate any member of the church, but it has to be in writing, and signed.  We will provide a spot on the Registration Tab of the bulletin for that.  A copy of our By Laws will also be made available for anyone who wants them.

We are planning a celebration lunch for October 5th, the first Sunday of the new FY.  We hope to announce the new LT Member, finalize the budget (which needs your approval), and finish any additional business that needs to be taken care of.  In order to make this happen, the LT plans to have the proposed budget and the final slate of nominees for LT by the first Sunday in September (7th).  So we need your help now.

This year is going to be a challenging one.  We are sending out a letter to the church explaining the results of the Congregational Assessment – I’d rather tell you in person, but Bev and I will be on vacation for a couple weeks and we (the Leadership Team) do not want to wait until I get back to let you know.  The short of it is, Andy Boettcher from Boise, is going to coach us for the next year so that we can establish a Mission/Vision/Values Statements and begin to make some strategic goals and plans for the direction of the church.  You will have input on this and we will be asking some specific questions as the coaching process takes shape.  This is another subject that I would ask you to pray about.